Guaranteed to Cut 7 Strokes from Your Score

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Golf Swing Tips - Stop Reading Golf Tips in Magazines

I don't read the golf tips in Golf Digest or Golf Magazine any more. I like the stories and reading about courses and the new equipment, but the golf swing tips, forget about it. They completely screw me up and they will do the same to you.

Month after month, all the golf magazines have different tips for the same swing problems. Sometimes the same problem with different tips in the same issue. It's an unbelievable flood of information full of conflicting and contradicting advice.

You cannot become a good golfer trying different swings every week. If you are not satisfied with your swing, determine what you want, find a person or a place to show you how to do it, than practice it.

No, each swing will not be nice. And yes, the pros screw up all of the time. If the pros can't do it all of the time how can you? Do you hit 400 golf balls each day? Do you golf 4 or 5 days each week?

When I finally learned to stop reading magazine golf tips and how to stop trying to be perfect and to play my tendencies, I started having fun again and my game improved dramatically. For example, if you start slicing the ball during a round, aim left and play the slice, why fight it and be miserable.

Or if you are having trouble with green side chips using a wedge then switch to your putter or use a driver. On par 5's, stop trying to reach them in 2 using your 3 wood. Hit an iron to your most comfortable yardage so you have an easy shot into the green.

Worry about your stance and alignment and make sure you're swinging on plane. If you're on the right plane, your swing will feel effortless and you'll hit the ball farther.

Find someone you trust for help and play smarter golf. You will play better and have a lot more fun by leaving the tips in the newsstand.

Golf Swing Tips - Top 5 Golf Fallacies That Are Ruining Your Game!

Watch out for these 5 golf fallacies that will absolutely destroy your golf swing!

These 5 golf swing falsehoods have ruined more golf swings than I care to imagine. I believe these 5 so called " golf swing tips" are the reason the average golfer's handicap has stayed the same for the past 20 years - Even with all the advancements in golf equipment technology.

I will be pulling the curtain back on some golf swing tips you may consider as please keep an open mind.

Top 5 Golf Fallacies That Are Ruining Golfer's Game:

1. RELAX - Pure rubbish! How many times have you heard this golf swing tip from a golf pro or a playing partner? The golf swing is a violent action - is there any other violent action you take when you relax? - of course not - This is foolish advice.

2. Be Loose. This is the second cousin of "Relax". When you are "loose" in the golf swing your hips are NOT restricted therefore you will NOT have that important coil in your backswing robbing you of much power.

3. Take The Club Back Inside - More rubbish! I'm sure you've heard many times how the correct golf swing is from the inside. So some golfers yank the club way inside early in their backswing thinking this will allow them to hit from the inside. These golfers are shocked when they still hit the golf ball from the outside. Hitting the golf ball from the inside comes from proper hip and shoulder action at the start of the downswing. You can take the club back way outside and still hit the ball from the inside - look at Jim Furyk - he takes the club way back to the outside however his move from the top of the swing is pure and from the inside.

4. The Golf Club Is On The Same Plane Going Back As It Is Coming Down. Again, this golf swing tip has been misguiding golfers for generations. The path of the clubface is much more to the inside during the downswing than during the backswing in a sound golf swing This is because a proper golf swing has a lateral shift of the hips which drops the club into the all important "slot" early in the downswing. This action of the left hip automatically puts the path of the clubface much more to the inside than the path going back.

5. Rotate The Hips To Start The Downswing. This one piece of golf swing snake oil has probably ruined more swings because the golfer spins out of the swing when starting down. Turning the hips to start the downswing forces you to throw the golf club to the outside causing terrible mis-hits. Again, the correct move is a lateral shift of the left hip to start the downswing and the hips will then turn automatically. It is possible to NOT have this lateral shift and still turn the hips from the top - however, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have the lateral shift of the left hip to start the downswing and the hips NOT turn.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

A Free Golf Swing Tip That Will Transform Your Game

Here is a free golf swing tip that will help you improve your game in leaps and bounds. It does not matter what stage your game is in currently.

It hardly matters whether you have just recently started playing the game or are a veteran of sorts, this free golf swing tip can help.

Are you currently throwing strokes away by hooking, topping or slicing the ball? Then this free golf swing tip is for you.

Or maybe you have other problems in your game. Do you find it difficult to maintain perfect balance during your golf swing? Do you sometimes get ashamed about it?

Then your shame is over on the golf course because the free golf swing tip contained in this article will make a huge difference in your game.
It is possible that your problem could be of a more physical nature - probably fatigue on the course?

Constant lower back pain, especially as the game proceeds. Then, believe it or not this free golf swing tip is also for you.

The free golf swing tip here involves the use of the stability ball, which is a very effective golf equipment training aid. Any golfer with a bad back should have it and yet it will still also improve many aspects of any golfer's golf swing and help improve on many weaknesses.

The main point we are trying to get across with golf swing tips is the fact that with the right expert guidance and advice, there are so many different stretch golf exercises that can be done using the stability ball.

And what's more is that it is easy to use in the office or in the comfort of the home in brief moments away from whatever else you will be doing.

This is truly a free golf swing tip that has the potential of making a huge difference to anybody's golf game.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Golf Swing Tips Will Not Work by Themselves

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AppId is over the quota

Golf swing tips are rampant! Golfers can't get enough of them. But are they working...or are they adding to the confusion and frustration of your game? Many qualified instructors will tell you to stay away from all the golf swing tips in the golf magazines.


Because it causes "paralysis-by-analysis!"

What I mean is you get on the course and you are thinking too much about your golf swing mechanics and not enough about getting the ball in the fairway, onto the green, and in the hole!

We also call this the "62-point checklist".

I'm here to tell you that golf swing tips by themselves will NEVER work! I know...this is a very strong statement, but I feel very strong about this.

How many times have you received a tip from a golf instructor, golfing buddy or out of a magazine...only to try it and play worse?

Come honest!

I can tell you right now that it's your BODY that won't allow you to apply this golf swing tip. Your brain knows what to do...and wants to do it, but your body CAN'T perform it!

Your heard it right here! Your BODY can't do it! This is the missing link to your best golf ever!

Work on the machine (you) and the golf swing tips or mechanics you so yearn to do will magically happen. I've seen it hundreds of times with the golfers I've worked with.

I have literally taken someone off the practice tee, given them a stretch and they step right up and nail the ball long and right in the middle of the range. They become instant believers!

There is no magical golf swing tip that's going to change your game!

Golf swing mechanics are critical, and the "only" way to achieve them is to reduce your own personal physical limitations. This is not an overnight fix, but one that will last the rest of your golfing career.

Wouldn't it be nice to step up to the tee and know without a doubt you're going to be the longest (and straightest) hitter in your foursome? How about shooting the lowest score and taking all the money?

This is a reality work on your machine (body), 'off the course' to play better on the course.

Then... and only then will all those golf swing tips work!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?

Download this:

Mike Pedersen helps golfers' improve their golf swing power, consistency and golf swing faults by addressing the physical limitations in their golf swing.

Golf Swing Tip - Four Golf Swing Tips That Will Have You Celebrating in the 19th

Irrespective if you are new to the game of golf or are just looking for ways to improve your golf game, you can always use a few golf swing tips. While practicing is the best key to getting better, there are definitely a few tips that you can use to improve your game and get that consistently reliable swing that you've been after. Golf swing tips can help you get a better game once you start implementing them, so take a look below for some terrific ones!

Tip #1

When you are starting to think about the golf swing, it is important to take a look at your rhythm. A swing that is too fast will have the movement of your body and the movement of the club working against each other, when instead you should ideally be making the entire motion of the swing work to drive your ball forward. The motion that brings your club back should start with your shoulders and go down to your hips; your body should turn naturally, bringing your weight back. A smooth constant motion will give you an excellent backswing.

Tip #2

A good downswing is an important component for any golf swing. When you have pulled all the way back, it is now important to bring the club forward using the correct amount of force while at the same time not sacrificing good aim and direction. Trying to bring the club down too hard will usually result in a ruined shot. Try leading the downswing with your left arm from the top; by keeping this tip in mind, you can use the same amount of force for each swing and identify how to adjust yourself for different shots.

Tip #3

When looking for good golf swing tips, take a good look at the ones that refer to your arm. While it is important to bring the club straight back, it is still important to see what your wrists are doing when you are swinging. When working on your downswing, remember to cock your wrists. Cocking your wrists will become instinctive and automatic after a while, but it can take a bit of time to develop the habit.

Tip #4

The stance in the golf swing plays a major role. A good stance is the foundation of a good golf swing, and it is important to remember that a good stance will increase the amount of energy you can generate into your swing. For instance, remember to let your front heel come off the ground during the back swing and then to plant it when you bring your club forward. If this is difficult, simply remember to keep the back foot planted for maximum support.

Useful Golf Swing Tips for Golf Beginners

Ever look on the internet to find a few useful golf swing tips only to find far more advice on the golf swing than you ever felt possible? The next thing you know you read a dozen or so golf swing tips and become even more confused than before.

Not to add to the confusion, but hopefully cut through the clutter, the following list contains tried and true swing tips that will help aid the beginner golfer and serve as gentle reminders for more advanced golfers. These swing tips are not intended to offer "new or breakthrough" golf swing methods, but fundamentally sound golf advice that if incorporated in your game, will certainly help lower your score and ingrain sold golf swing fundamentals.

General Golf Swing Tips

Relax: you can have the best golf swing in the world, but if you are too uptight and introduce tension into your swing, you are doomed. If you simply relax when you swing (think a golf grip of "5" on a scale of 1 to 10), you will hit the ball further, more solidly and more consistently. Pre-shot routine: establish a standard pre-shot routine before every shot. Establish good rhythm and tempo: think "Slow Back, Fast Forward" and work on getting your body and swing tempo in sync. Make solid contact with the golf ball: if you find you are hitting the ball short, fat, thin, left and right, then on your next shot, relax, take more club, shorten your swing and simply ensure that you are making solid contact with the ball

Short Game Golf Swing Tips

Putting: Keep your eyes over the ball and head steady; ensure consistent backswing length and follow-through; keep lower body "quiet"; make sure to hit through the ball. Chipping: Keep most of your body weight on your front leg throughout shot. Pitching: Open stance and keep most of your body weight on your front leg throughout shot. Bunkers: Keep left arm straight throughout shot and control shot with good body rotation, not just arms.

Practice and Play Mindset

Separate "play" from "practice." When practicing, focus on fundamentals, mechanics and adjustments. When playing, resist analysis and focus only on the target for your next shot. When playing, track golf shot statistics to monitor progress and identify development needs including number of fairways hit, greens in regulation, "Up and Down" Percentage and Putts Per round Analyze your statistics and overall play after your round to set basis for practice agenda. Practice with a purpose-define your practice agenda, needs and focus areas before you practice. Sixty percent or more of golf score occurs within 100 yards of hole. To lower your golf scores, devote half or more of practice time to short game (pitching, bunkers, chipping and putting).

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Golf Swing Tips - Improving Your Golf Swing and Lowering Your Score

Are you frustrated with your inability to improve your golf swing? Don't worry, even the pros need golf swing tips sometimes. Even the best golfers in the world hire golf swing coaches.

The golf swing is made up of numerous different parts that all have to fit together correctly in order to hit a consistently good golf shot. So how do you go about fixing your golf swing?

It's important to understand these different parts of your golf swing. For most people, it's this lack of understanding that makes their golf swing inconsistent. If you've played golf for any length of time, I'm sure you've had those days where you are swinging the club well and hitting most of your shots clean.

And then you have days where just the opposite occurs and you can't seem to hit one good shot. If you don't understand all the aspects of a good golf swing, you don't know what you are doing right when things are going well, so that you make sure to keep doing them.

You also don't know what you are doing wrong on those bad days so you can't fix it. Instead, you change things at random, hoping to find something that works. And most of the time, you make things worse.

While golf is a difficult game to master, if you have the time and patience, you can learn the fundamentals of a good golf swing. By repeating these golf swing tips repeatedly, you'll hit a bett golf shot and do so more often.

You need to focus on:

Your Grip

Your Stance

The relationship between your hands and arms

Your Alignment

Your mental game (think David Duval)

My favorite technique to learning how to swing properly is to watch pros who have fundamentally sound golf swing technique. Watching someone swing the golf club properly and then trying to imitate the swing is a lot easier than trying to remember 47 different things you are supposed to do as you bring the club back.

It frees up your mind to muscle connection instead of overwhelming you with lots of do's and don't's, which just makes it very difficult to actually swing the club.

I've found this to be very important in teaching almost any physical skill or sport. One of the biggest obstacles to getting better at golf or any other sport, is being overwhelmed by everything involved in a golf shot, tennis shot, basketball shot, pitching, etc.

If you can quiet your mind by focusing on an image you want to duplicate instead of having a million do's running through your head (arm straight, hip turn, bend front let, etc.) your golf swing will become much more fluid and less mechanical, making it easier to hit the ball properly.

3 Free Golf Swing Tips That Will Help You Crush Your Opponents

When do you enjoy playing golf the most? When you crush your opponents, of course! Sure, sure, everyone says "It's just a game." "Golf is supposed to be fun, no matter your score." BULL! I'm an avid golfer who makes it out to my local courses at least twice a week. Sure, I have fun, but the real fun is in beating my opponents.

I'm going to share with you 3 free golf swing tips that you can take to the nearest driving range or golf course today. The sooner you learn these 3 simple methods, the sooner you will be the envy of your golfing buddies.

Free Golf Swing Tip #1 - Finish High.

This one is fairly obvious, but it's shocking how many people ignore this tip. Your swing could be uglier than a monkey's bottom, but if you finish high you'll hit it straight 99% of the time.

To give you an example: Many golfers finish their swing over their shoulder. This is great IF you have a natural, solid swing. However, if you tend to "hook" the ball to the left if you're right handed, or to the right if you're left handed, you simply need to finish higher. Imagine finishing your swing with the club pointing straight up, as opposed to following all the way through. (Over your shoulder.)

It will seem awkward at first, but if you have a tendency to hook the ball this tip will most likely straighten it out. I personally use this tip myself, and it has quite honestly cut 5 strokes off of my score simply because I'm hitting the ball straighter than I ever have.

Free Golf Swing Tip #2 - Tee it High and Let if Fly!

This tip works best if you have an oversized driver. If so, I'm going to tell you how to add an additional 10 yards or so to your drives. These scientific wonders require you to tee the ball higher than you would with grandpa's driver, so you'll need to force yourself out of the "tee it low" habit. You'll need to find tees that are at least 2 ¾ inches. If you can find 3 inch tees, then by all means get them. The longer the better!

Very Important: You'll need to tee up the ball so half of the ball is above the clubface. This should force you to hit the sweet spot of your clubface on most of your swings.

Now, there are a few changes that you'll need to make due to the ball being a bit higher. First, make sure that the ball is positioned in line with your left foot. (For right handed golfers.) If you tee it too close to your right foot you'll most likely hit your ball straight up into the air. This is because the ball is higher off the ground, and the further back the ball is in your stance, the sooner you're going to hit it. You want to make contact with the ball as your club is sweeping upwards.

If you tee the ball high enough, and adjust your stance correctly, you'll gain additional yardage on your tee shot simply because you are hitting it sweet, and during the upswing with your oversized driver. My golfing buddies always tell me to "tee it lower" even though I constantly out-drive them. Some people are simply stuck in their ways.

Free Golf Swing Tip #3 - Think Happy Thoughts.

Golf is, in my opinion, 90% mental, 10% ability. If you know the basics, and have a swing that is comfortable to you, you should have no problem consistently breaking 80.

Think for a second. When lining up to hit your shot what goes through your mind? Is it "Oh crap, that tree is in my way; I'm going to hit it!" Or, "Well, this one is going to find the trap."? If so, guess what? You WILL hit that tree, and you WILL end up in that trap.

I cannot stress my next point enough: Think positive. When I first started golfing I thought about what could go wrong on every shot. And most of the time, something DID go wrong! Start thinking about how you're going to clear that tree, or how you're going to avoid the trap. Chances are, you will succeed. As the old saying goes, "Mind over matter."

By following the 3 free golf swing tips above you'll be quickly on your way to lowering your score and crushing your opponents. Good luck, and happy golfing!

15 Top Golf Swing Tips

Golf swing tips can be found online or you can invest in one of the many golf swing instruction e-books. Most of the tips on golf swing techniques go into a lot of detail - sometimes too much detail. What most golfers with a swing fault need are a few basic golf swing tips; whether it is to fix a slice or learn more about the short game in golf.

5 Tips on How to Drive Long Off the Tee

One of the best ways to score lower is to gain more golf distance off the tee. When you have a shorter distance to the green you have more chance to score par or better. Of course, you need accuracy as well as distance; otherwise you will be in a worse situation. Here are 5 quick and easy tips to help you drive long off the tee:

Tee the ball up higher and position it off your leading foot's instep so that you hit the ball on the upswing Don't hit the ball with all your power - use a steady rhythm and work on increasing your swing speed Use the right shaft flex for your swing speed - use a flexible shaft if you have a lower swing speed Cock your wrists early on the backswing and un-cock them as late as possible on the downswing Turn your shoulders a full 90 degrees for maximum distance

5 Tips on How to Master Golf Irons

Learning to master golf irons is an overlooked subject. There are many resources available to improve your driving and putting but not much emphasis is placed on the golf iron play. Learn to dominate your golf irons with these 5 tips:

Practice on the driving range to know your average distance with each golf iron in your bag Use the right iron for the distance you want to hit it and use a full swing Take into account the wind strength and distance as well as other factors like height and slopes Playing from the rough is different from playing from the fairway - you will need to adjust the ball position, stance, iron loft, and attack angle Learn proper course management - going for the pin is sometimes not the best option

5 Tips on How to Improve Your Golf Short Game

The golf short game is one of the most important areas of the golf game. Being able to hit long and accurate drives is all well and good, but if you can't chip the ball on the green, all that effort will be wasted. The short game of golf is where you really need to practice, so check out the following 5 tips:

From under 50 yards, use a bump and run and get the ball rolling as soon as possible Use a slightly open stance and place your feet closer together Choose one club (7, 8, or 9 iron) and practice your chipping from different distances with it The length of your backswing will determine the distance the ball will travel When playing over a hazard, use a more lofted club with a pitching swing

These tips on golf swing technique cover three areas of the game that are important but there are other areas that you have to learn to dominate. They are bunker or sand trap play, putting, pitching, and learning how to cure a slice or hook (if you have these swing faults.) Golf is an all round game - meaning that you have to be proficient in every aspect of the game. Don't just concentrate on how to be a long driver; instead practice with every club in your golf bag.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

4 Online Golf Swing Tips You Should Know

Golf, interestingly, is a kind of sport in which the only opponent you need to face is yourself. The longer you play the game, the more you learn, and the more you feel attached to the sport. What used to be the sport for the rich and famous is now the sport everyone loves. These online golf swing tips will give you hints on how to play it out through the greens. These golfing essentials will surely bring out the pro in you.

One of the most common online golf swing advice talks about the importance of pacing. This merely stresses out the role of swing speed when playing golf. Swinging harder and faster does not always translate to a good swing. Most beginners often incorrectly see it that the faster they swing, the further the ball is driven.

One very important rule to remember when swinging is to consider distance. It is not how you swing that matters, but is how far your ball needs to be driven. You can swing hard if you want, but this is not practical, especially if you are targeting a short distance. This online golf swing pacing tip resembles that of how billiard or pool players play. Just observe how billiard players cue and hit the balls appropriately.

The same principle also applies in golf. You should make careful yet controlled swings. But how do you make such a controlled and careful swing? Another online golf swing secret on making controlled and careful swings is never to use you arms. Golf rookies often think that the arms should control the swinging. In reality, though they should not. The upper part of your body, including your shoulders, should carry the golf club when making back swings. During forward swings, the player should use his legs and hips.

Although this online golf swing tip discourages the use of the arms during forward and back swings, most golf experts still advice constant training for the arms. Another helpful golf swing advice is to have relaxed arms. You can achieve this by constant practice. Soften down your arms, shake up your hands, and ease up your body.

The final golf swing advice you should remember is to enjoy the game without ever draining yourself. Indeed, giving your 100% best is generic rule when playing any sport. In golf though, you will only need no less than 70% of energy and it is because golf is not an intense sport, but rather a game of fun and relaxation.

Presidents Cup defeat for Woods

Woods has so far failed to score a point for the United States Tiger Woods lost his second match but the US lead the International team 7-5 after day two of the Presidents Cup.

Woods and Dustin Johnson lost by one hole to Australians Aaron Baddeley and Jason Day in Friday's fourballs in windy conditions at Royal Melbourne.

Phil Mickelson and Jim Furyk also beat Adam Scott and Kyung-tae Kim 2&1 as the two sides shared the fourballs 3-3.

"It was a tough day," said Woods. "Just trying to hit the greens was a heck of an accomplishment."

Former world number one Woods is the only American yet to make a contribution towards his team's bid for a fourth successive win - and this is the first time he has lost his first two games in matchplay format since the 2004 Ryder Cup in Detroit.

Continue reading the main story Webb Simpson & Bubba Watson (US) bt Ernie Els (SA) & Ryo Ishikawa (Jpn) 3&1 Jason Day (Aus) & Aaron Baddeley (Aus) bt Dustin Johnson & Tiger Woods (US) 1 upPhil Mickelson & Jim Furyk (US) bt Adam Scott (Aus) & Kyung-Tae Kim (Kor) 2&1KJ Choi (Kor) & Geoff Ogilvy (Aus) bt Bill Haas & Nick Watney (US) 1 upMatt Kuchar & Steve Stricker (US) bt Robert Allenby (Aus) & YE Yang (Kor) 4&3Charl Schwartzel (SA) & Retief Goosen (SA) bt Hunter Mahan & David Toms (US) 2&1

Greg Norman's International team, 4-2 down after the first-day foursomes, had hoped to use the tough conditions to their advantage. Instead, both sides struggled on a day that American Mickelson called "crazy".

The International pairing of Geoff Ogilvy and KJ Choi beat Bill Haas and Nick Watney on the 18th hole.

Americans Matt Kuchar and Steve Stricker eased to a 4&3 victory over Robert Allenby and YE Yang, while Bubba Watson and Webb Simpson beat Ernie Els and Ryo Ishikawa 3&1.

It was the second consecutive win for both US duos this week.

South Africans Retief Goosen and Charl Schwartzel ensured the day ended 3-3 when they finished off David Toms and Hunter Mahan 2&1 in the final match.

Woods will face Scott - and his former caddie Steve Williams - again on day three when he pairs up with Johnson to face Scott and Choi.

On the third day of the competition there are five foursomes in the morning before five fourballs in the afternoon.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Portrush Irish Open moves closer

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AppId is over the quota
Darren Clarke Darren Clarke shows off the Open trophy at Royal Portrush The prospect of the Irish Open being staged at Royal Portrush in 2013 has moved a step closer with the publication of the Stormont Executive's programme for government.

A pledge to bring a major golf tournament to Northern Ireland is one of more than 70 commitments made.

It is believed that an agreement may be made to play the event in Northern Ireland once every five years.

The event could provide a showcase for a possible bid to host the Open.

Major winners Graeme McDowell and Darren Clarke, who both have strong links with the north coast, have already agreed to act in an ambassadorial role for Royal Portrush, which will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2013.

Soon after Clarke's Open triumph in July the Stormont Executive indicated that it would provide "substantial backing" for a European Tour event to be played at the venue.

The Open Championship was last played at Portrush in 1951.

View the original article here