Guaranteed to Cut 7 Strokes from Your Score

Monday, 13 December 2010

Here's a putting drill to test your nerves......

Here's a great (but sometimes frustrating) drill to improve your putting.

1. Take three golfballs out onto the practice green and place them 1 foot from the hole. Knock them in at speed, no ticklers; make them hit the back of the cup and sink.

Do this 3 times holing every single putt. If you miss one putt; start over.
Complete 3 sets of 3 putts from 1 foot.

2. Now move the balls 2 feet and repeat the exercise. Knocking them in at speed. If you miss once; start over with 1 footers!!!
(This could get frustrating at times but it does work!!)

3. Once you've done the 2 footers, repeat this process from 4 feet. Again, if you miss one putt, start again with 1 footers.

4. Finally, move the balls to 8 feet and do the same again. (If you miss one start over with the 1 footers)

This drill not only tests your putting but it's also a great test of character and determination and is sure to lower your Putts per round.

Hope it helps!!


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