Guaranteed to Cut 7 Strokes from Your Score

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Green Side Bunker Help.

Great, Bunkered again!!!.

That's the first thought through most of our minds when we hit a shot into a greenside bunker. Here are some tips to getting the ball out of the bunker, and saving your scores and pride.

First, think of your swing as the letter "v". See how sharply the descending blow turns upward. Most other shots you want that path to more resemble a "u", but in the bunker you want the "v" shape.

This allows the club to get under the ball quicker and launch the ball higher. Where you hit the sand behind the ball will dictate how far it travels.

Hit two inches behind the ball for most shots. If you have a little longer shot, only hit an inch behind it. A very short shot, hit three inches behind the ball. As the club enters the sand, there is a layer of sand that will be between the clubface and the ball. The depth of this layer determines the length of the shot.

Secondly, open the clubface and open your stance.

Your feet should be aimed left of the target (for right-handers) and the clubface aimed equally as far right of the target.

Swing along the line of your feet with a steep angle of attack, and the ball will come out high and on the target line.

Practice this shot, and next time you hit it in the bunker, it won't be such a score killer.

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