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Saturday, 4 June 2011

Golf for Dummies

Golf for DummiesThe book is now a movie, so to speak: Golf for Dummies, the print guide, has been adapted into this crisp, easy-to-follow, and entertaining DVD hosted by the original tome's author, CBS Sports commentator Gary McCord. McCord wants beginners to love the sometimes overwhelming game and he wants experienced players to know that Golf for Dummies is always there for reviewing basics and correcting common problems. The program starts with essentials: becoming familiar with an individual course (the par for each hole and lengths between); the difference between a birdie, a bogey, and an eagle; the importance of using the right equipment; the details of golf etiquette (keep things moving, cut down chatter). McCord stresses the need for a balanced stance, proper grip, and coordination to achieve a good swing. But for players repeatedly hooking and slicing, Golf for Dummies can coach one through that and much else. --Tom Keogh

Price: $19.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

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