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Swing Cures

On this page you'll find cures for all those shots that we all hit every time we play, the top, the slice, the fat and so on.... read on, and hopefully you'll be able to cure some of your bad golf shots.

The Fat or Duff shot:
Symptom: The club hits the ground before impact and the ball moves a short distance.  

1. You could be holding the club too tight. Check your grip:

2. KEY POINT: You may have the ball too far forward in your stance. Check ball position.

3. Your hands are probably too far behind the ball at set up. Check your stance.

4. Transfer your weight so you end with a balanced finish position.  

Check the top of your backswing. Check you are not 'throwing your wrists' into the forward swing. This makes the club take a wider path, hitting the ground before the ball.

The Hook:
Symptom: The Golf ball sets off to the right of the target line and then curves left  finishing left of the target.

1. Your clubface may be too closed. Check your aim.

2. One or both of your hands could be pulled over too far right. Check the 'V' made by your thumb and index finger - it should be pointing inside your right shoulder. Check your grip.

3. You may have the ball too far back in your stance.

4. Your shoulders could be aimed too far to the right. Check your set up.

With a Hook, the swing is possibly too long; this means your body gets to the ball before the club head and the hands turn over at the last minute.  Keep the swing short and smooth.

This picture gives you an idea of where the ball should be in your stance for the different clubs.

The Push:
Symptom: Golfball goes off to the right of the target line and stays on that flightpath.

 Ball  could be too far back in your stance.
(Check ball position)

Your stance could be too wide which can restric the weight transfer on the forward swing.
(Check your stance)

Keep your weight on your heels.

Your shoulders may be aiming too far right.
(Check set up)

Swing: Your body could well be sliding into the ball instead of you  turning through the shot. Coil on the takeaway and shift your weight on the forward swing.

The Slice: 
1. Your clubface could be too open. Check your Aim:

2. If your hands are twisted too far round to the left of the grip, this is a weak grip. When you swing through the ball the club is opening imparting spin, causing slice. Check your Grip:

3. You may have the ball too far forward in your stance, this could cause your shoulders to open.

4. Your whole set up is probably aiming too far left of the target causing your club to make an 'out to in' swing path. Check your set up.

5. You may be standing too far from the ball. 

The Top:
1. Don't grip the club too tightly.

2. Make sure the ball is in the middle of your stance. Check Ball position:

3. Flex your knees at set up so you are comfortable over the ball. Don't get too upright through the swing.  Check your Posture:

4. You need to finish with your front shoulder lower than your back one in the follow through. Imagine your front shoulder is driving the ball. 

The Shank.
The ball goes off violently right off the heel of the club face where it meets 
the shaft. 

1. Grip could be twisted too far left which causes clubface to open. (Check 
your grip)
2. Face may be a little open. (Check your aim)
3. Ball may be too far back in your stance. (Check Ball position)
4. Feet and shoulders aiming too far left of target. (Check Body alignment) 
Keep your weight on your heels, keep the clubface looking at the ball longer 
on the way back. 

Below are 2 images of the perfect golf swing, If you can emulate this, you've cracked it!!! Click the images to see the animations.

If you want more help with the whole of your game including putting, chipping and even course management, then why not buy my Golf Tips Ebook; it covers a host of things in detail and will hopefully improve your entire golf game. 

Buy Now.